Du betrachtest gerade there’s no artistry of being happy

there’s no artistry of being happy

Today I write about a friend of mine, who taught me the lesson, that there’s no great artistry in being happy: In my 6 weeks ayurvedic treatment I learned a lot from my dear therapist Renju.

Heart touching talks – briefly noted #2

Keep the smile
Leave the tension
Feel the joy
Forget the worry
Hold the peace
Leave the pain
And always be

Keep the smile – Leave the tension

Renju uses this saying in her messanger profile. And this saying discribes her attitude to life.

Today, I want to introduce you Renju. She’s a young woman who could achieve everything in life, if her way throu life wouldn’t be predetermined. A young woman who could complain about adversities of life. But she does not! She’s a woman, who knows much more about what ultimately matters in life.

We know each other for 4 years – since I had my 2nd treatment in Ayush Prana. Since we met last time, she has grown up in inner strength and self confidence.

We are separated by only 9 life years. But we are worlds apart as regards life realities and life experiences. But we found a way for interaction and talking, so we spent our time in laughing and learning. All the stuff that makes a friendship real.

Renju is unbelievable mature. But she is also unbelievable playful and excited to new things. A beautiful habit, most of the adult lost in their lifes! She is a conscientiously working therapist, always focused on the patient and the treatment.

Hold the peace – Leave the pain

While I’m lying in my bed, Renju is doing my daily belly massage – in a forward bent position. A wonderful relaxing feeling for me. And a unhealthy posture for her.

She tells me, that she has pain in her hip for more than 10 years. She takes  a special kashaya tea, which reduces the pain. “You can see it”, she says. “When I had to stand and walk a lot during the day.”

And then, at a rainy evening in march… she stands in the rain and catches each raindrop with her palms. And she’s with herself only.

Feel the joy – Forget the worry

How will Renju’s future world looks like? I know, that her family is searching for a good husband. Renju tells me, that within a year, she would be married. “At the moment, I don’t think about it,” she says. “And so I can be happy!”

Renju lives in the present. I could say ” She knows what’s coming up and she is still happy? What a naive girl! ” But I don’t say this. Because I understand, that this is a wise choice: Not to be worried about things, that will inevitably happen. But to be happy in all the moments before.

Because there are these moments. For example, when I sit outside my room, wearing my red nose (like a clown). She tips the red nose with her stretched index finger and says: “Sponge!”

And always be happy

Finding your own joy in the joy of others, that’s the secret of happiness.

There is truth in this saying. I also experience my happiest moments when I give joy to others. So it made me happy to see Renju happy and grateful for things, I’d say “It’s not worth mentioning.” But finally all the things had their value.

… my offer to learn my language together “by sound”, and the papers with vocabulary and pronunciation, I wrote for her.

… her surprise, when she realized that she can wear this pink tube scarf as a traditional dupatta.

Quelle: Marit Mueller

I am very grateful for the time, Renju and I spent together. As her patient in treatment, as her student in life lessons, as her friend.

And God willing, we will meet again!

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